
Volatility & Price Fluctuations

Bitcoin’s underlying technology, known as blockchain, is still evolving, and new technological developments may make Bitcoin more efficient, safe, and scalable. This has the potential to enhance acceptance and use cases.

Technological Advances

Bitcoin’s underlying technology, known as blockchain, is still evolving, and new technological developments may make Bitcoin more efficient, safe, and scalable. This has the potential to enhance acceptance and use cases.

Increased Regulation

Governments around the world are beginning to pay more attention to cryptocurrencies and may enact restrictions that affect Bitcoin’s use and value. This might contribute to improved stability and widespread adoption, or it could make using Bitcoin for specific activities more difficult.


Bitcoin adoption may continue to rise, particularly as more individuals and institutions get acquainted with the technology and its potential applications. This could lead to higher demand and a rise in Bitcoin’s value


A resource to help answer several 
questions involving the risks and 
benefits of Bitcoin SV


A list of some resources you
may find useful for learning more
about the Bitcoin SV blockchain:

Bitcoin’s Future

A detailed look into possible 
potential use cases of bitcoin
moving forward towards the


To understand the origins of BSV, we need to first look at the history of Bitcoin and its forks.

Andreas M. Antonopoulos’ “Mastering Bitcoin”

Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies”: While this book does not particularly tackle Bitcoin forks, it is a comprehensive reference to Bitcoin itself and provides a detailed look at the underlying technologies behind cryptocurrencies. It discusses how Bitcoin works, how to use it, and what impact Bitcoin may have on the future of money.