

Got questions? We may have answered them for you, and maybe a variety of other questions as well. Find them below!

Bitcoin is a digital money that is not governed by any central authority or financial organization. It was founded in 2009 by an unknown person or group operating under the alias Satoshi Nakamoto.1

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a Bitcoin split that was formed in 2017. It was designed to alleviate some of Bitcoin’s scalability difficulties by extending the block size limit to 8 MB, allowing for speedier transaction processing.

Bitcoin Gold (BTG) is a Bitcoin split that was formed in 2017. It was designed to make Bitcoin mining more accessible to the general public by employing a new mining algorithm that is less reliant on specialized hardware.

Bitcoin SV (BSV) is a Bitcoin Cash fork that was formed in 2018. It was designed to return Bitcoin to its original concept, as detailed in the Bitcoin whitepaper, by increasing the block size limit to 128 MB and erasing some of the protocol changes introduced by Bitcoin Cash.

These coins can be purchased on a cryptocurrency exchange such as Coinbase, Binance, or Kraken. You can also purchase them through a bitcoin ATM or a peer-to-peer marketplace like LocalBitcoins.

Bitcoin, BCH, BTG, and BSV may all be saved in a digital wallet and accessed with a private key. You can keep them in a hardware wallet like a Ledger or Trezor, a software wallet like Exodus or Electrum, or a mobile wallet like Mycelium or Edge.

The legal status of these cryptocurrencies differs by country. Buying and selling them is allowed in some countries but illegal in others. It is critical to check your country’s laws before purchasing or selling these cryptocurrencies.

Yes, you can use these cryptocurrencies to make purchases from merchants who accept them. However, they are not accepted by all retailers, and the number of merchants who do accept them is still quite limited.

Supply and demand on cryptocurrency exchanges affect the price of these cryptocurrencies. It can be extremely volatile, impacted by a variety of factors such as news events, government restrictions, and investor mood.

Bitcoin forks such as Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, and Bitcoin SV are generated when a group of developers agrees to tweak the Bitcoin network’s code in order to create a new cryptocurrency with unique features. Block size limitations, mining methods, and consensus procedures are the primary distinctions between Bitcoin and its forks.

Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, and Bitcoin SV are all mined using the proof-of-work algorithm. Miners compete to solve complex mathematical puzzles, and the first miner to do so receives newly created coins.

A block on the Bitcoin network takes around 10 minutes to mine. The time it takes to mine a block on BCH, BTG, and BSV, on the other hand, varies based on the block size limit and mining difficulty.

The maximum supply of Bitcoin is 21 million coins, as are the maximum supplies of BCH, BTG, and BSV. However, each cryptocurrency’s current circulating supply is less than its maximum supply, and the exact number of coins in circulation will be determined by the mining rate and adoption rate of each cryptocurrency.

A Bitcoin wallet is a digital wallet that holds your Bitcoin private keys, which allow you to access your Bitcoin funds. Bitcoin wallets are classified into three types: hardware wallets, software wallets, and paper wallets.

Once a Bitcoin transaction has been confirmed on the network, it cannot be reversed. However, in rare situations, lost or stolen funds can be recovered with the assistance of a Bitcoin recovery service.

In some regions, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, and Bitcoin SV can be used for everyday transactions, however adoption remains low when compared to established payment methods. There are, however, projects and businesses aimed at making it easier to use cryptocurrency for ordinary purchases.

Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, and Bitcoin SV’s future is unpredictable and will be determined by factors such as adoption, legislation, and technological improvements. However, the potential applications and benefits of cryptocurrencies continue to pique the imagination of individuals, organizations, and institutions worldwide.

No, you cannot send Bitcoin directly from one fork to another. Each fork has its own blockchain, and transactions may only take place within that blockchain.

It is not profitable to mine Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, and Bitcoin SV with a personal computer as the mining difficulty is too high and the competition is too fierce. Specialized mining hardware and software are required to mine cryptocurrencies efficiently.